Highlights from the Synapsi Mentoring Program kickoff

By: Hanna Hiidenmaa

Being a leader in healthcare presents a variety of critical and unique challenges that require a deep understanding of effective and supportive leadership to solve. Find out what some of Finland’s leading experts had to say about this complex and increasingly important topic during our Synapsi kick-off event.

Our mentorship program for healthcare professionals, Synapsi, has kicked off with the first event, which featured a discussion moderated by Johan Sanmark and featuring Kaisa Hakkarainen, Laura Räty, Klaus Tamminen and Mikko Airo as panelists. 

The discussion highlighted the importance of individualized career development, support from leadership, teamwork, skill diversity, and a forward-thinking approach to leadership in achieving success and well-being in the workplace. The panel also emphasized how important it is for people to truly feel supported in their professional growth and future direction. 

Here are some of the key takeaways from the event’s panel discussion:

  1. Importance of career management: Effective career management isn’t just about the job, it’s a practical way to boost employee well-being and resilience. It’s all about aligning individual interests with sources of motivation at work.
  2. Adequate workforce: It’s crucial to have a sufficient number of employees to support an organization’s goals effectively.
  3. Individual career development: Career management includes creating personalized career plans and development paths for employees from the early stages of their careers.
  4. Supportive leadership: Effective career management involves leadership that supports employees’ opportunities for growth and helps them create a meaningful career.
  5. Team and staff care: Taking care of the team and staff is a priority, and teamwork is vital in a hospital setting.
  6. Collaboration: Encouraging collaboration between different teams and individuals is key to achieving success.
  7. Skill development: It’s essential to build expertise where it’s lacking, and this can be done not only through extensive efforts but also through a supportive attitude.
  8. Diversity and skills: Emphasizing diversity in skills within a team is crucial. Having a range of skills and valuing them is an asset, especially in times of rapid change.
  9. Leadership and values: Effective leadership involves understanding the environment and the direction in which the world is heading and leading with certain values.
  10. Engagement and change: Being actively involved in making positive changes can be highly rewarding and fulfilling.

Enormous thanks to the speakers and panelists for a captivating discussion: 

And a special thanks to the Synapsi development team, Hanna Hiidenmaa and Kati Huovinmaa.  In future blog posts we will dive deeper into several of these critical issues in leadership – stay tuned! 

The Synapsi Mentoring Program was created to help current and aspiring leaders clarify the requirements of management, receive support in growing into the role of a leader, and develop concrete ways to solve everyday challenges. In addition, the program enables networking with colleagues and other stakeholders interested in leadership. Synapsi is made possible by Vertical and AstraZeneca in cooperation with NLY and KEVA. Read more about Synapsi here >

More details?

Please get in touch with Hanna Hiidenmaa if you should have any questions or if you need more details.

Hanna Hiidenmaa


+358 40 455 3869